Re-Opening Updates and Procedures

This page will be updated regularly with any information about re-opening.

Date of Re-Opening: 5/11/2020

Services Available: One-on-One Personal Training and Massage Therapy. Classes will remain live-streaming online at this time.

How can you schedule: Currently, we have 4 trainers/therapists in the studio (Brenna Backe, Brian Carver, Annette Bray, Siri Nicollela). Rebecca South is available for online appointments at this time. You can book in-person or online appointments from our Schedule page. All services are by appointment only. No walk-ins are available.

Face Masks: All trainers/therapists and clients must wear masks at all times (indoor sessions). No exceptions - this is a mandatory order from the Boulder County Health Department.

Social Distancing: All training sessions will be performed at a social distance of 6 feet apart when possible. We will do our best to maintain a “gap time” of 10 minutes or more to avoid clients overlapping. You may be asked to wait outside till your session time. Please avoid coming early to your session at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Symptom Checks: All trainers will perform a symptom check before coming to the studio. All clients are required to get a temperature check (performed by the trainer/therapist with a no-touch thermometer) prior to starting the session. Everyone (trainer and clients) must have a reading of 100.4 or below and no additional symptoms. No exceptions - this is a mandatory order from the Boulder County Health Department.

Equipment: All equipment will be wiped down after each use.

Hand Sanitizer: Hand sanitizer will be available at the front door. Please use it as you enter and exit the gym.

Common Areas: Bathrooms, cubbies, the front door, and other common areas will be wiped down between sessions.

Changing: Please come dressed to workout when possible and take everything with you when you leave. We are not able to store personal items at this time.

Contactless Payment: Please purchase sessions via our website or by calling 720-428-8863. We want to limit the exchange of credit cards, etc at the studio.